Example graph from our second assignment: creating figures for sample task completion data

Example graph from our second assignment: creating figures for sample task completion data

Mad UX

The UW–Madison User Experience Design capstone certificate provides graduate-level user experience skills in planning, designing, and assessing innovative digital user experiences via digital applications and media.

Completing this capstone has been a year-long endeavor for me as I continue to build my portfolio in preparation for graduate school and beyond. After completing our introductory training in user research methods, prototyping, and visual design, my cohort and I began preparations for the final stretch of our program by outlining research goals for a new digital application. This application is intended to be distinct from the studies of our previous terms, allowing us to diversify our portfolio by studying a pre-existing system. In conjunction with the MOTHER² development team, I sought to continue my research from earlier semesters by studying the player experience of the original SNES title EarthBound.

The choice to conduct research on an SNES title from the ’90s may initially seem a bit odd; what value can be gleaned from studying a game published three decades ago? The research conducted this summer serves to bolster my skills in evaluating and researching the user experience of digital games as well as the underlying data collection and analysis methods used in the field today.

A1: Research Goals

In order to develop actionable insights into player behavior, careful research planning was conducted to draft a proposal describing the game to be tested, the goals of its players, and how those goals were mapped to potential research inquiries. As a user researcher, our goals are of course centered on the player and their experiences with the game. That said understanding the goals of my stakeholders (the developers of MOTHER²), and the larger context of our product’s creation, helps me to focus my research on providing the most relevant insights possible for all members of the team. This helps ensure that the results of our research are not ignored or wasted, as well as fostering buy-in from developers and stakeholders alike.

As the development team of MOTHER² is comprised entirely of fans of the original EarthBound, this presents a unique opportunity for insights into fan-led projects of this scope. Fan games and ROM hacks seldom undertake a complete remaking of their source of inspiration. A process which involves the coordination of a group of fans over multiple years, evolving into a microcosm of a modern game development pipeline. Within the user experience domain, this creates an uncommon scenario in which users have actually become producers seeking to improve upon the experiences of the original game. This brings with it, a chance to study the unique perspectives and biases of the development team in addition to studying perspective players in our target audience.

A2: Metrics Exploration

In preparation for our upcoming research studies, we developed a greater understanding of performance metrics based on task completion, error rate, efficiency, and learnability. Particular attention was dedicated to the task analysis process, detailing the presentation, collection, and categorization of task data. Subsequently, we employed some elementary statistical analysis on sample data to practice these skills in spreadsheet editing software.

This is the second entry in my UX portfolio series. If you have not read the first one, you can find it here.